The three-part series is entitled, COVID-19, A Woman’s Role in the Economic Recovery and seeks to explore the issues unique to working women during the quarantine and as we consider returning back to work.
HOME: WORK: Women Navigating A Changing Work Reality
June 23
12 - 1 pm
Webinaris free but registration is requested
Register Now
The COVID-19 Quarantine required us to stay at home, combining our work and home life in an unprecedented manner. How do we manage our time, stress, our lives when all of our roles--employee, caregiver, teacher, spouse overlap at once?
Emily Cantewell, Esq. Partner, Lathrop GPM, LLP; WFSTL Board
Featured Panelists:
Rebeccah Bennett, Founder & Principal, Emerging Wisdom, LLC
Jill Farmer, Coach & Author, Jill Farmer Coaching
Kristen Wild, Executive Director, Operation Food Search