Volunteer for Women’s Foundation of Greater St. Louis
We’re always looking for women and men to support our efforts by joining a volunteer committee or assisting with special events and outreach activities. We're seeking volunteers from a variety of backgrounds who can help us with advocacy work, grant-making, communications, fundraising, research, and more! Please fill out this form to help us identify the best match for your skills and interests.
The Women’s Foundation of Greater St. Louis is looking for volunteers to support their partners at Rung for Women and their social capital programs. People at any level of employment are invited to share their expertise and experiences with Rung members who need your support.
Rung empowers women to grow and achieve sustained independence through co-located and coordinated educational, professional, and economic resources. The Women's Foundation of Greater St. Louis is a proud co-designer of the Rung program.
Volunteer opportunities include:
supporting women 1-on-1 through mentorship,
participating in networking or career exploration events,
hosting educational workshops on useful career growth skills, and
facilitating supportive discussions for women within specific career paths.